

colours: carrot+pumpkin+sloe+tomato

Textilkábel színe *

Válaszd ki a kábel színét!

áfonya €0,00 alga €0,00 arany €0,00 banán €0,00 borsó €0,00 bronz €0,00 cékla €0,00 cseresznye €0,00 cseresznyevirág €0,00 ezüst €0,00 feketeszeder €0,00 gyömbér €0,00 hibiscus €0,00 kakaóbab €0,00 kék €0,00 kék hortenzia €0,00 kékszilva €0,00 körte €0,00 kukorica €0,00 licsi €0,00 mák €0,00 málna €0,00 menta €0,00 padlizsán €0,00 paradicsom €0,00 sárgarépa €0,00 sötét mák €0,00 türkiz kék €0,00 türkiz zöld €0,00 vörösréz €0,00 zellergumó €0,00 zigzag fekete-fehér €0,00 zigzag kék-fehér €0,00 zigzag narancs-fekete €0,00 zigzag piros-fehér €0,00 zöldalma €0,00

Textilkábel mérete *

A csomagban 2 méter hosszú textilkábel található. Ha ennél hosszabb kábelre van szükséged, válaszd ki a méretet.

Prices are without light source!
The lamps are supplied with 2 m of textile cable, of course extra meters can be ordered on request. You can adapt to the location and conditions. OR fitted with plug and switch.
You have to write that how many cm from the socket, and you can choose black/white switch)
The lamps work with a light source with E27 socket. I will be happy to supply the lamp you have
you choose, you will find the recommended shapes in the light source menu and products! I can add these to your order at an extra cost.

Good idea:
If you choose a long cable, because you want to transport the lamp from one place to another, you might want to use a wall.
If you want to use a lamp with a long light, you should choose wall guides, clamps or ceiling roses in the accessories section.
You can also find accessories for a wooden ceiling rose.